Combined Importance-performance map (cIPMA) - Excel template
Excel file for the following article:
Hauff, S., Richter, N., Sarstedt, M., & Ringle, C. M. (2024). Importance and performance in PLS-SEM and NCA: Introducing the combined importance-performance map analysis (cIPMA). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Advance online publication.
cIPMA - Excel template.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Table 29.1 KB
Moderated mediation example
This file shows moderated mediation analysis examples. More specifically, the examples illustrate the conditional indirect effect, index of moderated mediation computation, and significance (as in PROCESS) using SmartPLS.
Microsoft Excel Table 600.4 KB
Simple slope plot example
This file shows how to create a simple slope plot in EXCEL.
Excel - Simple slope nicer figures.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Table 84.0 KB
Simple slope significance example
This file shows how to compute the significance of a simple slope in EXCEL.
Excel - Simple slopes significance.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Table 1.3 MB
Segmentation results example
This file shows how to create segmentation results tables in EXCEL.
Excel - Segmentation results.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Table 15.4 KB
IMPA example in Excel
This file shows how to create an importance-performance map analysis (IPMA) chart in EXCEL.
Excel - IPMA qual indicators.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Table 17.5 KB
Computation of Akaike weights for higher-order model
This file shows the computation of Akaike weights for comparing the regular model specification with a higher-order model specification of corporate reputation in the extended reputation model.
Akaike weights.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Table 101.6 KB
Nonlinear relationships
Excel file of the following article: Basco, R., Hair, J. F., Ringle, M., & Sarstedt, M. (2021). Advancing family business research through modeling nonlinear relationships: Comparing PLS-SEM and multiple regression. Journal of Family Business Strategy.
Microsoft Excel Table 3.4 MB
Higher-order constructs in PLS-SEM
SmartPLS project file the following article: Sarstedt, M., Hair, J. F., Jun-Hwa, C., Becker, J.-M., & Ringle, C. M. (2019). How to Specify, Estimate, and Validate Higher-order Constructs in PLS-SEM. Australasian Marketing Journal, 27(3), 197-211.
Higer-order constructs in PLS-SEM - AMJ.
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 193.2 KB
Higer-order construct reliability and validity
Excel file of the following article: Sarstedt, M., Hair, J. F., Jun-Hwa, C., Becker, J.-M., & Ringle, C. M. (2019). How to Specify, Estimate, and Validate Higher-order Constructs in PLS-SEM. Australasian Marketing Journal, 27(3), 197-211.
HOC reliability and validity.xlsx
Microsoft Excel Table 95.7 KB
Testing multiple mediations
Excel spreadsheet for a modified corporate reputation model example.
Microsoft Excel Table 2.3 MB
HTMT criterion
Excel spreadsheet for the HTMT criterion computation to assess discriminant validity.
Microsoft Excel Table 11.6 KB
Model selection criteria
Excel spreadsheet for the model selection criteria computation, including the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the Geweke-Meese criterion (GM).
Computation of model selection criteria_
Microsoft Excel Table 10.9 KB
Datasets for PLS-GAS Simulations (OR Spectrum)
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 57.1 MB
PLS-GAS: Program Code
Program Code for PLS-GAS (OR Spectrum)
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 6.6 KB


Follow this link to obtain sample files for the predictive model comparison using CVPAT and the coporate reputation model example:

Article: Liengaard, B., Sharma, P. N., Hult, G. T. M., Jensen, M. B., Sarstedt, M., Hair, J. F., & Ringle, C. M. (2020). Prediction: Coveted, Yet Forsaken? Introducing a Cross-validated Predictive Ability Test in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling. Decision Sciences.